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Numeric Edits Toolbar

Use the Numeric Edits Toolbar to adjust the size, position, and orientation of shapes in your selection using precise numeric values.

When adjusting objects through the Numeric Edits Toolbar, all objects in your current selection are treated as a single unit, maintaining their relative positions and scale as you make changes.

Accessing the Numeric Edits Toolbar

The Numeric Edits Toolbar is located in the top toolbar in LightBurn by default, to the left of the Text Options Toolbar.

If you have closed the Numeric Edits Toolbar, go to WindowNumeric Edits to re-enable it. To restore it and all other windows to their default positions, go to WindowReset to Default Layout

Numeric Edits Toolbar location


The layout of LightBurn is highly customizable. For more information on enabling and disabling windows and toolbars, or rearranging the default layout, see Customizing the LightBurn Window.

Numeric Edits Toolbar Options

Click any option in the image below to jump directly to the relevant section for that option, or scroll down for a list of options and descriptions.

9-Dot Control


When working with any of the Numeric Edits options, imagine the selection area as the smallest possible rectangle that can contain every object in your selection. Each position in the 9-Dot Control is a point around the perimeter of that rectangle, or in its center.

The 9-Dot Control determines the location on the current selection that is referenced when displaying and adjusting selection coordinates; the anchor point which objects are rescaled in toward or away from; and which point to use as the center of rotation when rotating the selection.

XPos and YPos

XPos and YPos display the current X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) positions of your selection, relative to the point in your selection indicated by the 9-Dot Control, and your laser's Origin.

The laser's Origin is indicated by a small red square in a corner of the Workspace. Positive XPos and YPos values are always within the Workspace, and negative values outside of it.

Adjusting either field will move the indicated position on the current selection to the new location you enter, and all objects in the selection will move in unison.

Adjusting X and Y Position Demo


You can adjust position by imprecise values directly in your Workspace using the Move handle on your selection.

Width and Height

Width and Height display and determine the length of your selection in the X (Width) and Y(Height) dimensions. You can enter exact values in the field directly to the right of Width and Height, or change the size of either dimension by percentage in the fields to the right of those.

The chosen location in the 9-Dot Control determines an anchor point that objects will be rescaled in toward or away from.

Width and Height demo


You can adjust Width and Height by imprecise values directly in your Workspace using the Size handles on your selection.


The Lock icon to the left of Width and Height determines whether the aspect ratio of the selection is maintained as objects are resized.

  • In locked mode — indicated by a highlighted, closed lock icon — the proportions of your selection remain consistent as they're resized.

    As an example, a rectangle that is currently 50 mm wide and 25 mm tall is twice as wide as it is tall, for a 2:1 aspect ratio. If the aspect ratio is locked, changing the width to 80 mm will automatically change the height to 40 mm.

  • In unlocked mode — indicated by an unhighlighted, open lock icon — the proportions of your selection will not remain consistent as they're resized, and will instead change independently.

  • Click the icon to change modes.

Lock Demo


Use the Rotate field to turn the current selection by a precise number of degrees. Positive values rotate the selection clockwise, while negative values rotate it counterclockwise.

The chosen location in the 9-Dot Control determines the center of rotation.

Rotate demo


You can rotate your selection by imprecise values directly in your Workspace using the Rotate handles, or by precise values using hotkeys.

Units Toggle

Click the Units Toggle to switch your current unit of measurement between imperial and metric. You can also adjust units in the Settings window.

The current unit of measurement is displayed as mm for millimeters or in for inches.

Units Toggle demo

Equation Support

The XPos, YPos, Width, Height, and Rotate fields all accept equations.

Examples of valid equations are:

  • 58 + 37
  • 89 - 13
  • 10.25 / 2
  • (10+2) * 4 + 1

Press enter to process the equation and adjust the value.

You can also use the constants e and pi, and functions like sin, cos, tan, sqrt, abs, atan, log, pow, and more.

Automatic Unit Conversion

The XPos, YPos, Width, and Height fields accept units of measurement as well.

If you are working in millimeters, but you want to create a shape that is 5 inches wide, you can enter 5in or 5" into the width field and LightBurn will convert it to millimeters for you.

For more help using LightBurn, please visit our forum to talk with LightBurn staff and users, or email support.