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Move Window

The Move Window is used primarily for jogging, positioning, and homing the laser.

Accessing the Move Window

By default, the Move Window is docked behind the Cuts / Layers Window on the upper right side of your screen. Click the Move tab to bring the Move Window to the front.

If you have closed the Move Window go to WindowMove to re-enable it. To restore it and all other windows to their default positions, go to WindowReset to Default Layout.

Move Window tab


The layout of LightBurn is highly customizable. For more information on enabling and disabling windows and toolbars, or rearranging the default layout, see Customizing the LightBurn Window.

Move Window Options and Settings

The type of laser you have active and certain options in the Settings window — including enabling Beginner Mode — will affect the way the Move Window looks.

Click any option in the image below to jump to more information, or scroll down for a list of options and descriptions.


Ruida Controller Devices: The Set Origin, Clear Origin, or Set Finish Position controls will not be displayed as these are handled by the controller itself. LightBurn will generally show only controls you can use.

Galvo Devices: none of the functions in the Move Window are applicable to Galvo lasers, so this window will not be displayed in your default layout.

Get Position

The Get Position button queries the controller for its current location and displays the current X, Y, Z, and U Axis coordinates.

Move to Position

Selecting the Go button will move the laser to the X and Y Axis coordinates in the Move to Position entry boxes.

Saved Positions

The Saved Positions drop-down displays a list of previously stored positions. Use Saved Positions for jogging to known locations on the work area — for example a specific corner, the location of your rotary tool, and commonly used jigs. Manage the contents of this list by clicking the Manage button.

Managing Saved Positions

  1. Add new positions to the Saved Positions list by pressing the Add New button and entering the desired coordinates.
  2. Activate Z Axis movements by toggling the Enable Z Axis option and updating the Z Axis coordinate.
  3. Optionally, press the Sort by Name to sort the position list alphabetically.
  4. Press OK to save the list.

Manual Movement

Move the laser by a specific amount in a given direction through a process called Jogging.

Move Window Directional Arrows

Jog the laser throughout its work area by clicking any of the arrow buttons that surround the Home button. Each click will move the laser by amount entered in the Distance field, at the rate set in the Speed field.


The Speed settings also control the Framing speed and the movement speed of the Position Laser tool.

If your laser has a motorized Z Axis, the dashed up and down arrows move the Z Axis up or down.

The rotational arrows jog the A Axis, commonly used for rotaries.


If you're using an A Axis rotary, the Distance field determines degrees of movement of the rotary axis with each click.

Continuous Jog

The Continuous Jog toggle allows supported lasers to move continuously, by pressing and holding any of the directional arrows. The laser will keep moving until the button is released.

See Device SettingsEnable $J Jogging for more information.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Each keyboard shortcut will move your laser by the amount entered in the Distance field, at the rate set in the Speed field.

  • Jog Laser Left: Alt/Option + Ctrl/Cmd + [
  • Jog Laser Right: Alt/Option + Ctrl/Cmd + ]
  • Jog Laser Up: Shift Ctrl/Cmd + ]
  • Jog Laser Down: Shift Ctrl/Cmd + [

Keypad Jogging

You can also use a keypad to Jog your laser. In order to use keypad Jogging, you must enable Numlock on your keyboard, and the Edit Window / Workspace — the area where you create and edit graphics — must be in focus.

What does it mean for a window to be in focus?

There are several Windows and Toolbars in LightBurn that accept user input — when a window is clicked on, it is in focus and accepting input.

If a window other than the Edit Window is in focus, click anywhere in the Workspace to bring it into focus.

Each press will move your laser by amount entered in the Distance field, at the rate set in the Speed field. If Continuous Jog is enabled, the laser will Jog until you release the key.

Keypad jog buttons

Arrange Menu → Move Laser to Selection

The Jog options are also available in the Arrange Menu, within the Move Laser to Selection submenu.

Move From Machine Zero

The Move From Machine Zero toggle moves the laser from machine zero instead of from the current position of the laser.

Instead of determining the amount of travel, the Distance field controls the coordinate location the laser will travel to.

Device-specific Buttons

Focus Z

Focuses the Z Axis of the laser. To use this function, your laser must have a movable Z Axis and have an automatic focusing feature that is supported by LightBurn.

Set Origin

Creates a custom-set starting point, known as the User Origin.

Clear Origin

Press Clear Origin to remove and reset a custom-set User Origin.

Set Finish Position

Press Set Finish Position to establish the position the laser head will move to after a job is finished.

See Finish Position for more information.


Turns your laser on at the Power level specified in the adjacent field.

Use the Fire button to enable the laser at low power for focusing, Framing, and positioning.


The Fire button should only be used for diode lasers, which generally don't have a red dot pointer for Framing.

Always wear proper eye protection when Firing your laser. Consult your laser's manufacturer for information on the proper eye protection required for your laser.

This should never be used for a CO2 laser, which has an invisble beam that could blind you or start a fire.

See Device Settings — Enable Laser Fire Button for more information.


Sets the Power level the laser will use when you press the Fire button, or when Framing, if you have enabled Laser on when framing in the Device Settings window.

For more help using LightBurn, please visit our forum to talk with LightBurn staff and users, or email support.