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Cut Shapes

Quick Reference: Cut Shapes

  • Hero Image

    Divides selected objects along the perimeter of another shape.

  • Location

    ToolsCut Shapes

  • Keyboard Shortcuts

    Windows: Alt Shift + C

    Mac: Option Shift + C

The Cut Shapes tool divides selected vector objects into separate shapes, using a closed shape as the cutting tool. The last shape you add to your selection is used as the cutting tool, and all other selected shapes are cut at the locations they intersect with the cutting tool.

Using Cut Shapes

To use Cut Shapes, first select the shapes you wish to cut, then add the cutting tool shape to your selection.

Go to ToolsCut Shapes or press Alt/Option+Shift+C to activate the tool.

Use Cut Shapes to cut a project into smaller sections that can be run separately, allowing you to create projects that are larger than your laser's work.

Cut Shapes Demo

A few things to always keep in mind when selecting and using a cutting shape:

  • The last shape you add to your selection is used as the cutting tool.
  • The cutting tool must always be a closed shape, meaning it is a complete, continuous loop whose start and end points are the same.
  • The cutting shape must not be Grouped with any other shapes. Ungroup any shape you'd like to use as a cutting shape.
  • The cutting tool is deleted in the process — if you'd like the shape you're using as a cutting tool to remain in your design after using it with Cut Shapes, first Duplicate it, and then select just one copy to use with Cut Shapes.

And note the following about the resulting shapes:

  • The resulting shapes are automatically sorted into two Groups — one Group for shapes that were inside the cutting tool, and another for shapes that were outside it. You'll need to Ungroup the shapes to manipulate them individually.
  • The resulting shapes are automatically closed if they were set to a Fill or Offset Fill layer, or left open if they were set to a Line or Tool layer.

    In other words, for shapes set to a Fill or Offset Fill layer, LightBurn will automatically add a new line on all new shapes, connecting the gap where the cutting shape severed the originals. If they are set to a Line or Tool layer, the gap will remain.

Line vs Fill Cut Shapes demo

Cut Shapes and Images

If you use Cut Shapes with an image, LightBurn will automatically create two masked copies of the images — one copy will be masked to show the part of the image that was inside the cutting shape, and the other copy will be masked to show the part that was outside. The cutting shape will also be duplicated, and each copy will be reassigned to a Tool layer.

Cut Shapes Image Demo


If Cut Shapes is grayed out in the Tools Menu, it means the object you selected last is not a valid shape to use as a cutting tool.

  • The cutting tool must be a closed shape, meaning it is a complete, continuous loop whose start and end points are the same.
  • The cutting tool must not be Grouped with any other objects.

For more help using LightBurn, please visit our forum to talk with LightBurn staff and users, or email support.