Layer Colors
LightBurn assigns operations to layers and objects based on their colors.
When importing graphics, LightBurn will attempt to match the colors used to the default LightBurn color palette. Using exact matches for the colors used by LightBurn will ensure layers are created correctly. We have downloadable color palettes available to make this easier.
Importing Graphics¶
We have color palettes available for Inkscape, CorelDRAW, Affinity Designer, and Adobe Illustrator. The .ase
file provided for Adobe and Affinity products can be imported into many other programs as well.
Download .gpl for Inkscape/GIMP
Download .xml for Corel Products
Download .ase for Adobe and Affinity
Please see your preferred program's help for directions on installing color palettes.
RGB and Hex Colors¶
The table below contains RGB and hex values for each of LightBurn's layer colors.
Layer | RGB Values | Hex Values |
00 | rgb( 0, 0, 0) | #000000 |
01 | rgb( 0, 0, 255) | #0000FF |
02 | rgb( 255, 0, 0) | #FF0000 |
03 | rgb( 0, 224, 0) | #00E000 |
04 | rgb( 208, 208, 0) | #D0D000 |
05 | rgb( 255, 128, 0) | #FF8000 |
06 | rgb( 0, 224, 224) | #00E0E0 |
07 | rgb( 255, 0, 255) | #FF00FF |
08 | rgb( 180, 180, 180) | #B4B4B4 |
09 | rgb( 0, 0, 160) | #0000A0 |
10 | rgb( 160, 0, 0) | #A00000 |
11 | rgb( 0, 160, 0) | #00A000 |
12 | rgb( 160, 160, 0) | #A0A000 |
13 | rgb( 192, 128, 0) | #C08000 |
14 | rgb( 0, 160, 255) | #00A0FF |
15 | rgb( 160, 0, 160) | #A000A0 |
16 | rgb( 128, 128, 128) | #808080 |
17 | rgb( 125, 135, 185) | #7D87B9 |
18 | rgb( 187, 119, 132) | #BB7784 |
19 | rgb( 74, 111, 227) | #4A6FE3 |
20 | rgb( 211, 63, 106) | #D33F6A |
21 | rgb( 140, 215, 140) | #8CD78C |
22 | rgb( 240, 185, 141) | #F0B98D |
23 | rgb( 246, 196, 225) | #F6C4E1 |
24 | rgb( 250, 158, 212) | #FA9ED4 |
25 | rgb( 80, 10, 120) | #500A78 |
26 | rgb( 180, 90, 0) | #B45A00 |
27 | rgb( 0, 71, 84) | #004754 |
28 | rgb( 134, 250, 136) | #86FA88 |
29 | rgb( 255, 219, 102) | #FFDB66 |
T1 | rgb(243, 105, 38) | #F36926 |
T2 | rgb(12,150, 217) | #0C96D9 |