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Basic Settings

The Basic Settings tab of Device Settings contains the most commonly used settings, and is available regardless of device type.

The image below shows the Device Settings window for a DSP device — several alternate options will be presented if you are using a different type of device.

Click any option in the image below to jump directly to the relevant section for that option, or scroll down for a full list of options and descriptions, for both DSP and GCode-based lasers.

The Basic Settings tab of Device Settings

General Options

Tab Pulse Width

When using Tabs, the Tab Pulse Width allows for additional control of the Tab Cut Power setting. Change this length to increase or decrease the width of the pulses used to simulate reduced power cuts.

Enable Job Checklist

When this setting is enabled, LightBurn will display a text box with a list of items whenever you Start or Send a job to your laser. This is typically used as a reminder of things that need to be done before starting the laser, such as turning on an exhaust fan or putting on protective glasses.

To create a custom checklist, click the Edit button.

Frame Continuously

This setting alters the behavior of the Frame button. When enabled, LightBurn will frame your project repeatedly until stopped, instead of a single time.

Continuous Framing is often useful for adjusting material placement within the laser.

Overwrite Files on Device by Default

When enabled, LightBurn will automatically overwrite pre-existing files of the same name when sending a project to your laser's controller. Keep this setting disabled to receive a warning message whenever LightBurn will need to overwrite a file in order to send a new one.

Scanning Offset Adjust

This setting is used to compensate for minor delays in your power supply causing the laser's firing point to be a little behind where it should be when scanning back and forth at high speeds. For more information, see Scanning Offset Adjustment. For an example of what Scanning Offset problems might look like, please see Troubleshooting: Blurry Edges.

The Add, Delete, Import, and Export buttons allow you to create, edit, load, and save your Scanning Offset settings. You can use this to Import settings provided by your machine's manufacturer, share adjustments with other users, or back up your settings before making changes.

Other Options

GCode Devices

These settings are only available for GCode-based lasers.

Auto-Home on Startup

If your laser has homing switches, enable this to automatically home the machine on startup. For lasers without homing switches, disable this setting to prevent GRBL Error 5.

Swap X/Y Output to Laser

Enable this setting to rotate your LightBurn Workspace to match your machine's physical orientation, and swap X/Y output to your laser accordingly.

The green dot in the dialog window indicates the location of the machine's 0,0 point (the location it homes to) in the machine's physical orientation. Select the image that matches your machine's orientation, then click OK. LightBurn will automatically adjust your Origin and rotate your Workspace and output to your machine to account for the new orientation.

This option is intended for machines with Y dimensions that are longer than their X dimensions.

Choose orientation for X/Y Swap

CNC Machine

Enable this setting if your machine has a rear right-origin and uses a negative coordinate system.

Fast Whitespace Scan

This setting boosts your laser's travel speed through blank areas of an image engraving, if the speed you set here is faster than your laser's engraving speed.

This can save a lot of time if you're engraving an image slowly to get a good burn, particularly if there are large blank areas in the image.


Since Marlin treats G0 and G1 moves identically, this value is used to specify the speed for rapid moves. If you do not set this value, LightBurn will use the same speed as the G1 moves.

Enable $J Jogging

Newer versions of GRBL (1.1f and later) can use this custom jogging mode. Enable this setting to add a Continuous Jog switch to the Move Window. After also enabling Continuous Jog in the Move Window, you'll be able to hold an arrow key to begin jogging in a direction, and release to stop (cancel) the move.

$J Jogging (Continuous Jog) has several benefits over normal jogging:

  • It does not affect the GCode parser state.
  • If soft limits are enabled, jog commands that would go out of bounds are ignored without triggering an error or alarm.
  • It allows for cancelling a jog move.

Enable DTR Signal

This setting controls whether LightBurn sends a Data Terminal Ready signal to the controller to start serial communication. Many programmable hobby-level controllers, including Arduino-based systems, use the DTR pin to reset the controller. LightBurn usually sets this value for you, but if your GCode controller won't communicate, toggling this setting may help.

Enable Laser Fire Button

Enable this setting to add a Fire button and power setting to the Move Window to allow you to turn on the laser at low power for focusing, Framing, and positioning. When the Fire button is enabled, you can hold the Shift key while Framing to enable the beam.

This setting should only be used for diode lasers, which generally don't have a red dot pointer for Framing. This should never be used for a CO2 laser, which has an invisible beam that could blind you or start a fire.

Laser on When framing

This setting turns on the laser at the power level you specify while Framing.

Safety Warning

This changes the default behavior of the laser and can cause the laser to fire when a user is not expecting it. Enable this setting with caution, with a very low power level, and only when using a diode laser.

Enable 'Out of Bounds' Warning

Enable this setting to have LightBurn warn you if a job will cause your machine to travel out of bounds. This setting requires that your device has been properly homed and is reporting coordinates correctly, and that your Workspace size is set accurately in LightBurn.

Enable GCode Clustering

GCode Clustering condenses the commands sent to your device. For devices that support it, this reduces the bandwidth needed for communication and allows the controller's motion planner to see further ahead. For devices that don't support this feature, enabling it will result in a GRBL error. More information is available in this post in our forum.

Return to Finish Position

This setting tells LightBurn to send the laser to the specified position after a job is run. This requires that the job is running in Absolute Coords or User Origin mode.

Air Assist

This setting determines whether LightBurn uses an M7 or M8 command to enable air assist.

S-value Max

This setting tells LightBurn how to represent 100% power for GRBL and Smoothieware controllers. Current versions of GRBL default to 1000 for this, while older versions use 255. This value needs to match what your controller expects. Read more in GRBL: Low or No Power Output.

Baud Rate

This setting controls the speed at which LightBurn attempts to communicate with your laser's controller.

LightBurn defaults to 115,200 baud for GRBL controllers and 250,000 baud for Marlin controllers. Some Marlin controllers use 115,200 baud, and some GRBL controllers go as low as 9600 baud. If you are having trouble communicating with your controller and are certain the controller and firmware are supported, contact the manufacturer for the correct baud rate for the board, which may be different from the default value.

Transfer Mode

LightBurn defaults to the Buffered Transfer mode for communication with GRBL devices. This is faster and more reliable than the Synchronous Transfer mode. However, there are a few devices that are incompatible with Buffered Transfer mode. These devices will stutter, stop, or even restart when buffered communication is selected. If you notice this happening, try switching the Transfer mode to Synchronous.

DSP Devices

These settings are only available for DSP lasers.

Start and End Delay

Start Delay allows you to set a delay before the job starts cutting, and End Delay allows you to delay the end of the job after the cut is complete. This is typically used to allow the exhaust fan to start up and spin down.

This feature is only available on Ruida controllers, and only works if the controller's wiring is compatible. Your success in enabling it will be dependent on your specific hardware.

Laser Is RF Tube

Enable this switch if your laser has an RF tube.

If your laser has a single tube, only the adjust the Laser 1 is RF Tube switch. If your laser has two tubes, you can enable this switch for either Laser 1 or Laser 2 individually, as appropriate.

This will disable an automatic warning message, intended for CO2 lasers, which is sent when you start a job which uses an RF tube and includes a layer whose Min Power is set to zero.

Enable Laser 2 Controls

This setting enables controls for a second laser tube within the same machine. Enable this setting only if your machine has two laser tubes.

Only Allow One Laser at a Time

Enable this switch to automatically disable the alternate tube when you enable Laser 1 or Laser 2.

In other words, when you enable Laser 1, LightBurn will automatically disable Laser 2, and vice versa.

Enable Laser 2 Offset

If you are using a dual head laser, use this setting to specify the position of the second laser head relative to the main one.

See Dual Laser Control for more information on dual laser setup.

Increment Filename on Send

This option will automatically increment file names when sending jobs to your laser, to make identifying separate runs easier and maintain your file history. Your file name must contain a digit in order to auto-increment.

Disable Start Button

Use this setting to disable the Start button.

On some lasers, streaming a job with the Start button can be unreliable, so this feature allows you to ensure that all jobs are sent to the laser using the Send button, which transfers the entire job to the laser before it can be started.

Check Bounds When Framing

Enable this setting to have LightBurn check that a job won't travel out of bounds when Framing.

Network Timeout

This setting determines how long LightBurn will attempt to communicate with a networked device before reporting a communication failure. Increasing the value from the default of 5000 ms (5 seconds) can help with slower connections.


  • If you aren't seeing a setting you expected to see, check which tab you're in and make sure it's applicable to your laser.

For more help using LightBurn, please visit our forum to talk with LightBurn staff and users, or email support.