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How to Use These Docs

If you want to learn more about LightBurn, you've come to the right place. Now that you're here, you might not know exactly where to go to find just the information you're looking for, so we created this brief guide with tips on navigating and getting the most out of our documentation.

Finding Information

Tools & Features

Every LightBurn tool or feature has a page listed in our Tools & Features section. We've categorized them all by type — click in the index on the left to expand a category. You'll see specific tools and features listed below, or, in some cases, sub-categories which you can also click to expand.

Each category, sub-category, and individual tool or feature is also listed on the Tools & Features landing page.

Navigating Tools and Features

Main Window

If there's something you see in LightBurn that you want to learn more about, but don't know what it's called, or can't find it in our categorization, our interactive Main Window page is the place to go. You can reach it by clicking User Inteface in the index on the left when you're in the Tools & Features section.

Click any of the main UI elements in the screenshot to go to the page for that element, where you can click again on specific tools or features it contains.

Navigating through the Main Window page

Finding Help

LightBurn also has some built-in features to make it easier to learn more:

  • Easy Access Help Pages: Press F1 while hovering to launch the documentation page for that feature in your default web browser.
  • Tools Tips: Hover your mouse over a control to see helpful text pop up, with a description of that button or feature.

Almost all of our Tools & Features pages have a Related Topics section at the bottom, so if you didn't find exactly what you were looking for on any given page, be sure to scroll to the bottom or click Related Topics in the table of contents to the right for suggestions on where to look next.


Sometimes you don't know what tool you're looking for, you just know what you're looking to do. On our Collections page, we've assembled a range of tools, features, and resources, organized according to the goals they'll help you accomplish.

At the top right of any page you'll see the Search option. Enter the name of the tool you're looking for there to search for the relevant page in our documentation.

Using the search feature

Interactive Features

Clickable Screenshots

In addition to the Main Window page, several other pages contain clickable screenshots — as you hover over buttons and tools within them, they'll be highlighted. If you click where something is highlighted, you'll either jump to a new page, or to a section within the current page that explains the specific feature you were hovering over.

Using a clickable screenshot

Information Boxes

We've placed certain information in special colored boxes throughout our documentation. In some cases they contain important warnings that we want to make very noticeable, but in other cases these boxes contain special notes or tips for specific types of users only.

To keep things tidy, some of those special notes are collapsed by default, meaning the information contained within them is hidden until you click to expand them. Click the box below to see how it works!


how it works!

If you hover over any link in our documentation that points to another page, you'll see a preview of the linked-to page. That preview may provide all you need to know if you're just looking for a quick summary of a term in context, while in other cases it will let you know if clicking the link will take you to correct page for a feature you're looking to learn more about.

Hover over this link to see how it works.

Getting Help

We've assembled a range of common laser or LightBurn issues we've seen users run up against over the years in our Troubleshooting section. You'll find advice on resolving issues connecting to your laser, using LightBurn, or with the quality of your laser's output.

If you can't find the information you're looking for in our documentation, or need clarification on something you've read, email support to ask for help, or join our forum to get advice from experienced users and LightBurn staff.

You'll find those same links at the bottom of every page in our documentation — including just below here!

For more help using LightBurn, please visit our forum to talk with LightBurn staff and users, or email support.